Pre & Post

EES Session Care

It is important to practice specific self care before and after your session to create an atmosphere of supreme healing in your body.


- Make sure to be extremely hydrated days leading up to your session! Drink plenty of water and eat nutrient dense meals to help your body prepare for the detoxifying effects of the EESystem.

- Dress comfortably with plenty of layers to adjust to the temperature of the EES room. Our EES room is temperature controlled to create a a cold, relaxing environment.

- Eat a small, nutritious meal before your session. You want to be satisfied but not overly full. This helps to increase the effects of the EESystem by not expending energy on digestion, but centering focus on the rest and repair mechanism of your body’s nervous system.

- We highly recommend to bring your own blanket, pillow, and water bottle! Your blanket and pillow will ensure your own comfort in the EES room, while your water is charged with the healing energies of the EESystem.

- Come in to your session with an open heart and mind. Prepare good intentions and affirmations to create your own miracle in the EESystem. Your body is more willing to accept physical and emotional healing if you trust your own natural healing power. Meditation is a great way to tap into your power!

Post care.

- It is extremely important to use a SEA SALT DETOX BATH or FOOT SOAK to pull all toxins from your body immediately after your EES session. This can help minimize detox side effects such as brain fog and headaches. We will be offering sea salt soaks for purchase at our location or you can follow the recipe below to make it at home! This is a crucial step in achieving maximum benifits!

- Hydrate with more water and follow up your session with healthy meals. Your body needs whole foods to perform at its best, especially during and after detoxification.

- Give your body time to rest, restore, and recover. A full 8 hours or more is recommended to give your body time to heal and rejuvenate.

DETOX SEA salt soak.

The most important aspect of post-EES care and complete detoxification.

This bath soak mixture is available for purchase at our location or you can make it at home!

Sea Salt Foot Soak:

Available for purchase for $7.50

  • 1 cups pure sea salt (NOT epsom salt)

  • 1 cups baking soda

  • 1/2 cup borax

  • optional:

    • 1/4 cup bentonite clay

    • 1 teaspoons ginger powder

    • 1 teaspoons matcha green tea powder

    • 1 cups hydrogen peroxide

    • essential oil of your choice

Sea Salt Bath Soak:

Available for purchase for $15

  • 2 cups pure sea salt (NOT epsom salt)

  • 2 cups baking soda

  • 1 cup borax

  • optional:

    • 1/2 cup bentonite clay

    • 2 teaspoons ginger powder

    • 2 teaspoons matcha green tea powder

    • 2 cups hydrogen peroxide

    • essential oil of your choice

soak Protocol.

Fill a tub or foot soak with hot water and add the detox sea salt mixture to the water. Soak a wash cloth with the water and place over chest. It is also recommended to gently scrub your body with a wash cloth to further detox and exfoliate.